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Laser hair removal is the process of removing unwanted hair by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicle. It had been performed experimentally for about twenty years before becoming commercially available in the mid-1990s.!!!
If you fight with removing unwanted hair, you're not alone. Several People find it difficult to keep up with the time-consuming, useless hair removal treatments that they've performed their entire life in the hopes of maintaining a hairless body. But hair removal doesn't need to be so difficult.!!!
At Ideal picture, KKRIS Skin Care & Laser Clinic has mastered the procedure of laser hair removal and it as one of the best ways to attain permanent Hair removal in India. Actually, we've performed over a 5000 of laser hair removal treatments. And the figure immediately continues to cherish as more people hear all of the benefits of our aid's.We have the latest lasers in the world and to add the cherry on the cake,Dr.Rahul Pillai is an international trainer for Laser hair removal techniques which he advocates all over the world,scietific advisor for various laser companies and also is proud to have presented one of the first white papers on laser hair removal on Darker skin type.
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